
Viser innlegg fra mai, 2018

Mudbox - Final submission

The final image: The objects: Final thoughts: After the issues with ptex, I had to redo a lot of the painting, so the bowl and the rose I posted earlier are a little different in the final version. This class was very interesting. I found sculpting and painting in Mudbox to be a lot of fun, and I think I did a decent job at it. I struggled a bit going back and forth between Mudbox and Maya, but after doing it a few times it got easier. I had not heard of Mudbox before this, and learning the basics of how to use it will probably be very helpful for me in future work. Thank you!

Maya - Rig

Legs: Spine: Arms: Full rig:

Fantastic Voyage - Reflective statement

This project gave me so much in terms of practising workflow between different programs, and managing my time. I am quite impressed with how I was able to juggle all the different projects and courses, and to complete "Fantastic Voyage" and "Premise". There were times I was not so sure I could. I think knowing I had so much to do, really forced me to plan ahead, and spend my time wisely from the beginning. Something I made sure to improve in my process after "From script to screen". Having a real client also raised the stakes a bit and made me really want to create something good. Because of the nature of this assignment, characters were not necessarily needed. Finding a different way to move the story along was a great exercise. Focusing more on environment and atmosphere, instead of people doing things, was a new experience. The soundscape was a bit of a struggle at first. As I have mentioned before, sound is not generally my strength, which is why it...

Fantastic Voyage - Updated film

I went in and replaced the sperm with a glowing orb, as mentioned in the crit. Luckily a fairly simple thing to change.

Fantastic Voyage - Crit submission

Final film: Making of Publication: Behind the Scenes of Anemophily by Sandra Elise Sandal on Scribd

Fantastic Voyage - Sound design archive

Premise - Reflective statement

This project has been a nice way for me to explore, and get to know, the environment of my final year short film. It has given me the opportunity to really reflect upon my world and go deeper into it, than I think I would otherwise have done. There is a lot of invisible work going into this submission, and I have written pages of notes and realizations about the history and politics of this fictional world, that led it to the point where the story takes place. Not very relevant to my final hand-in, but extremely helpful in my continous work on the film. I would like to thank you for helping me realize how important world building actually is in this medium. When starting on this project I felt a bit lost as to what I needed to work towards. I also found many of the other projects took priority a lot of the time. Your direction has had a great impact on me and my work, and although I wish I would have been able to do more, I think I can see in my final submission a higher level of pr...

Premise - Crit submission

Premise project: Premise Bok by Sandra Elise Sandal on Scribd Making of - publication: Making Of Premise by Sandra Elise Sandal on Scribd Sculpted flower:

Maya - Basic External Lighting


Premise - Progress update

A short update on where I am with my Premise project. I have created seven pages like this one, with a few different categories of plants, and given names to them all. I have also sculpted one of the plants in Maya, so it is ready to go. 

Life drawing - Final submission

Reflective statement: Drawing different body types and age groups is something I haven't had that much experience with, so it was really nice working on that. Focusing on proportions and lighting has also been beneficial, and I put more effort into background elements in my drawings after this, as I see how much it adds life and dimension to the scene. My personal favourites of these are the man lying on the bench, where I worked on perspective, and the last one with the two women on the bed. I think I managed to captured a lot of emotion in that scene. I had some experience drawing with charcoal from before, but I can clearly see improvement in my drawing skills after this course. It has been wonderful, thank you! Drawings by Sandra Elise Sandal on Scribd