I dag er dagen jeg starter å blogge om mitt tredjeårs prosjekt. Det store. Min egen film... Den 24. august, for en uke siden i dag, var den offisielle startdagen for prosjektet. Introduksjonsmøtet ble holdt, der vi ble opplyst om alle de viktige datoene, og vi elever fikk mange gode tips og visse mørke advarsler. Vær organisert, gjør det du skal, etc. Jeg vet ikke hvor mange ganger jeg har lært at det er akkurat det man må gjøre for å fullføre ting, men jeg har garantert godt av å lære det igjen. Jeg skal altså lage en film. En 3-4 minutters animert kortfilm for å være eksakt. Gjennom dette året kommer jeg til å oppdatere bloggen så ofte som jeg har noen nye tanker om prosjektet, eller noe nytt arbeid jeg vil dokumentere. Målet er et innlegg om dagen. Det er vel heller urealistisk, men har hørt at det er viktig med mål. Et annet mål jeg har er å piffe opp utseende på bloggen min. Den ser ikke fryktelig spennende ut. I min fantasi sitter jeg og koser meg med en god kopp te, mens ...
Like-for-like storyboard:
OGR 26/01/18
SvarSlettHey Sandra,
So - I think you're really onto something here - as I said before I think it's got great 'animation' potential and I love the 'silliness' of the premise. That said, you need to look at your ACT 1 set-up from the audience's point of view: how do we know your astronaut character is a frustrated hair-stylist? You know it because it's your idea - but that information isn't on the screen yet. You're going to have to take more time to create the context for what happens next - so how might we be shown that the astronaut wanted to be a hairdresser but wasn't allowed to be (assuming something or someone stopped him). Might you need a flashback, show our astronaut as a little boy cutting the hair of a dog or a cat - or a Barbie doll! - only for his Famous Astronaut Father to come in and say 'No!' disapprovingly etc? You're going to have to show us this somehow because if you don't, none of what comes next is going to make any sense to the rest of us.
Just in terms of your astronaut's first encounter with the long-haired alien, I wonder if it might be better if he's bumped into by the alien, but that the alien doesn't stop to befriend him because that would suggest that the aliens can perceive their environment even with their long hair; might it be more logical that the 'blind aliens' nearly trample him (because they're moving in a big queue) and he ends up joining the queue - sort of swept along with them on their pilgrimage through the village etc. The queue could snake towards 'The Restaurant' and the astronaut is thinking 'Oh, this is nice' - when suddenly we see the front of the queue dropping off the edge of a cliff into the mouth of the 'volcano' - and the astronaut is still amongst them, now teetering on the edge of the cliff himself - at which point he reaches for his scissors and snips the fringe of the nearest alien... who also now sees what's happening... I can see this being a bit more dramatic this way?
In general terms, I think this could be great fun - but establishing your astronaut's secret wish for the audience is key to the success of this film - as is embracing the design challenges of this crazy hairy world of yours! And just for some further inspiration...