I dag er dagen jeg starter å blogge om mitt tredjeårs prosjekt. Det store. Min egen film... Den 24. august, for en uke siden i dag, var den offisielle startdagen for prosjektet. Introduksjonsmøtet ble holdt, der vi ble opplyst om alle de viktige datoene, og vi elever fikk mange gode tips og visse mørke advarsler. Vær organisert, gjør det du skal, etc. Jeg vet ikke hvor mange ganger jeg har lært at det er akkurat det man må gjøre for å fullføre ting, men jeg har garantert godt av å lære det igjen. Jeg skal altså lage en film. En 3-4 minutters animert kortfilm for å være eksakt. Gjennom dette året kommer jeg til å oppdatere bloggen så ofte som jeg har noen nye tanker om prosjektet, eller noe nytt arbeid jeg vil dokumentere. Målet er et innlegg om dagen. Det er vel heller urealistisk, men har hørt at det er viktig med mål. Et annet mål jeg har er å piffe opp utseende på bloggen min. Den ser ikke fryktelig spennende ut. I min fantasi sitter jeg og koser meg med en god kopp te, mens ...
OGR 09/02/18
SvarSlettHi Sandra,
I think this is really working in storyterms. Your storyboard is largely very readable - and I like very much the visual references you've collected together - it shows me you're embracing the surreal silliness of your story universe and I'm looking forward to seeing you get into the design process more fully. A few things then: in terms of your actual script, I think it's lacking some nuts-and-bolts detail in terms of actually structuring the action you're describing via specific sorts of shots and instructions. At the moment, you're just giving the location, but then describing action without unpacking it in terms of types of coverage (types of camera angle etc). I think this process will help you think a bit more about how you can lend further dynamism to your screen direction - for example, when it comes to the reveal about the volcano you might want to consider shots that make us feel much more what the astronaut is feeling... so shots like these:
and this famous Hitchcockian technique - the contra-zoom...
Take a look at Tom's script here and you'll see what I mean in terms of laying in a bit more specific structure:
Just in terms of your character design, this is where we'd like you to get to in terms of thinking about your various characters as 'ready for 3D' - so understanding them as 'objects' - these are model sheets and expression sheets and examples of production art:
The same is true of your various environments etc - you can have lots of fun with your world - and you've got the rocket ship too etc.
I want you to start thinking about your 'Art Of' documentation right now - it shouldn't be a last minute thing, but an integrated aspect of your world-building duties - so your 'Art Of' feels like it belongs 100% to the world of your project - so everything from layout to typeface to the 'branding' of your story. This is a great example of project documentation that is so much more than just a scrap book or a creative journal - obviously this is third year work, but take a look at their approach and aim high :)
I think you're onto a winner here, Sandra - this could be an entertaining animated short one day!
... I do think there's a better title out there - something catchier and maybe a 'pun' on something we might associate with cutting hair or similar? 'A Close Shave' or something silly like that if you know what I mean...